Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Projects in Tanzania

I will have one week of language and cultural immersion when I arrive in Tanzania. I will learn a few simple words and phrases in Swahili and will be shown around the city and surrounding countryside. I believe I will learn some of the history of the country of Tanzania and see some of the sites. When this happens I will update my blog with photos and comments.

While in Tanzania I have asked to work in three different projects. I am hoping that by working on these different projects I will gain a greater understanding and compassion for the people that I will be coming in contact with.

Projects in Tanzania - I have asked to work for a couple of weeks in an AIDS/HIV centre, a couple of weeks in an orphanage and a couple of weeks with a group of local women from the Maasai tribe, helping them with their craft work that they sell to help support their families.

I believe each will enable me to better help the next, by having seen and experienced the first.

I will keep you posted.

A bit about me before I go


My name in Catherine Hasanen and I am a Christian.

I came to Christ by witnessing my husband's personal relationship with his Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus. I wanted to have a personal relationship with Christ also and I am happy to say that I have.

I love God and want to serve him. One way that I am doing that is by getting out of my boat and walking in the path that He has set before me.

I love to travel and am a people pleaser by nature. I believe that God's perfect plan for this time in my life is to combine these two things in the form of mission work.

In the fall of 2007 while in Mazatlan, MX I had an opportunity to visit a Salvation Army run home for children. It was like an orphanage in that some children lived there 24/7/365 although they may have living parents. Other children from the poor neighbouring barrio would come and access activities, such as singing and dancing lessons. This was my first exposure to missions abroad and how life changing it could be for the people involved. Kerri Stokes was with me and we played with the children all afternoon. For me it was life transforming.

In the spring of 2008 I went to Costa Rica for 6 weeks to be a witness for God through my actions. God was there, everywhere, showing me his most beautiful creation. I was literally blown away by the beauty that I saw there. Every time I thought " Wow! I can't believe this. This is amazing! I would hear, Oh, you think that is good just wait till you see this! and again I couldn't believe what I just saw and felt." God was showing me some of his creative masterpieces that makes up the country of Costa Rica. Amazing!!

Spring 2009 found me in Rio Chico, Mexico. I went with a team from my church - Shawnigan Alliance. We drove to Seattle, WA and then flew to El Paso, TX. We were met by our contacts from Rio Chico and drove there the next day. Our mission was to put a metal roof on a hay barn for Pastor Tomas, so that they could have inexpensive, good quality hay for their mules and pack horses that are a necessity for the mission work that they do with the Tarhumara and Pima Indians in the Copper Canyon region. Again, God revealed himself to me in a very special and powerful way. In the darkness of the night, in the depths of dispair He revealed himself to me and filled me with joy and song. I was totally blown away!

Fall 2009 - Sept 29/09 to be exact, I will be on my way to Tanzania and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me there. I feel very fortunate and blessed that I can live the adventure of a life that God has planned for me.

I pray that God will use me for His Glory and that I will have a glad heart and willing hands to do all that He asks. I desire to be a good witness for Him.